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Support/ FAQs

Support/ FAQs



Ad Tags





Data Feeds

Media Buy




Third-Party Tracking


I can’t log in to my account.

If you’re having trouble logging in to your account, make sure you’re using the recommended browser (Chrome) and that no ad blockers or odd extensions are enabled in your browser. You can also try logging in after clearing your cache or even on a different device if possible.

My business is not product-based. Which business type should I choose when creating an advertiser?

If there is no business type that best fits your business, we recommend choosing “Retail” for your business. The advertiser’s business type determines which pre-built templates you can access and who you target.

How do I delete my account?

To cancel your account and stop using Adacado, simply disable all the advertisers in your account. Click here to learn more about how to turn off ads and disable advertisers.

Why has my account been disabled?

An account can be disabled after 3 consecutive failed payment attempts due to invalid credit card information. To re-enable your account, please contact After your account has been re-enabled, you must update your account’s credit card information within 24 hours to avoid being disabled again.

Ad Tags

How do I access and export my ad tags?

If you use an external media solution and use Adacado only for ad creation, your campaign’s creative ad tags can be downloaded from the campaign’s “Ad Delivery Settings” page. Learn more about how to access and export ad tags and check out this video tutorial.


Do you charge upfront?

Adacado’s billing is usage-based, meaning you only pay for services once you’ve used them. See more details here.

Why am I still charged after turning off a media channel to stop serving ads?

If you use product data generated from data feeds to run dynamic ads, you will continue to incur product costs unless you delete all data feeds added for advertisers and campaigns in our platform or disable advertisers. Learn more about how to delete a data feed and how to disable the advertiser.

Why am I being charged if I haven’t turned on my media channel to run ads yet?

If you have uploaded a data feed to the platform and have processed more than 5 products in your data feed, you will be charged for your products as our platform continues to process them. To avoid accumulating product costs, it’s best to delete the feed from the platform.

If your campaign is on hold indefinitely, it is best to disable the advertiser. If not, you can choose to delete the feed from the platform or only process up to 5 products. Learn more about how to delete a data feed and how to disable the advertiser.


What types of campaigns can I create and run with Adacado?

You can create and run retargeting, prospecting, and geo-targeting campaigns with Adacado. Depending on your business goal, you can choose your campaign objectives and determine your campaign type. Learn more about campaign targets.

What do I need to set up a retargeting campaign?

To set up a retargeting campaign, you will need:

  • Retargeting campaign objective (e.g. last viewed)
  • Pixels implemented on each product page you want to retarget
  • Data feed for generating product data for product retargeting campaign


What type of ad content is acceptable?

Please read our Creative Policy to make sure your ad creative meets our guidelines. Your ad will go through an approval process at ad networks, and your ad may be rejected if there is content (wording and images) that may not be allowed to be shown in a specific region (e.g. state or province).


Do you provide templates?

Yes. While our platform is DIY, we offer a template library with hundreds of pre-built templates to choose from. After choosing a template, all you need to do is add your company logo, adjust the images (add your own) and change around the promotional text. Add a data feed if you want to create dynamic product ads using our pre-built templates.

Check out this video tutorial on how to create an ad from a pre-built template and see how easy it is to create ads using the pre-built templates.

Can I create ads without products or data feeds?

Anyone can use Adacado to create great-looking custom ads for their business. You can create a static ad to promote your brand and offers of our business without using product data generated from data feeds.

Click here to learn more about how to create a static ad and check out this quick video to see how easy it is to create your own ads:

Can I upload a custom HTML5 file?

A custom HTML5 file cannot be added to templates, but you can upload a custom HTML template using the upload feature in the creative editor.

Can I create an ad that shows multiple products?

Yes. You can choose a multiview template from the Adacado template library (e.g. Gianni, Compete, Focus, etc.) or create your own multiview template from scratch. There is a variety of multiview templates in the template library that can be used to display a different number of products.

Can I preview my ad before turning on a media channel?

Yes, you can preview your ad on the Creative page. Click the green play button on the left to open the “Ad Preview” popup. If you’ve uploaded a data feed and want to view ads with your product data, toggle the switch in the lower left corner of the Ad Preview popup to show ads with product data.

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Data Feeds

What is Product Data?

If you want to create dynamic ads, you need to have product data for your ads. In the Adacado platform, a product is a set of information about items or services you are selling, such as a title, URL, image, or price. A product could be an item for sale, like a T-Shirt, car, or service such as dry cleaning. Product data provides important information to be used in your ads, like displaying text or an image of what you are selling. Click here to find more details about product data.

What is a data feed and how do I upload it?

A data or product feed is a file that contains information about your product or services which can be used in your ads. A data feed might only contain a few products or it could contain thousands. Learn more about data feeds and check out this video tutorial for how to set up a data feed.

What data feed types are compatible with Adacado?

We support the following data feed file types:

  • CSV
  • Google Sheet URL (CSV)
  • Google Product Feed (XML)
  • TXT

How do I create a URL for a CSV file?

If you’re not sure where to start, we recommend using Google Sheet to create your CSV data feed. Check out our guide here.

How do I create an image URL?

To create image URLs for your products or services, there are many options to choose from. Check out our guide here to get more information.

Why is there no product data generated from my data feed?

If the product data is not displayed on the product list page after processing the data feed, please check the following:

  • Is the data feed file format compatible with Adacado?
  • If your feed is a Google Sheet product feed, is your share setting set to “Anyone with the link”?
  • Are there incompatible characters in the data feed.? 
  • Is the mapping done correctly, including the required field Product Link?

What do I do if my images are not working?

Sometimes image processing takes a bit of time to complete. Please allow time for the system to process your data. If you continue seeing the issue, click here to find more info about how to fix the issue.

How can I avoid incurring product costs when testing data feeds?

When you upload your data feed, you will find options to process all products (which will start to incur product costs) or a few products. You can limit the system to only process the first 5 products in your feed, in which case you don’t incur any product cost but you have a few products to test when building your creative.

Once testing is complete and all other campaign setups are in place, choose the “Process all (no limit)” option and reload the feed to generate full product data from the feed. Processing more than 5 products in your feed will begin to incur product costs.

Learn more about processing a data feed.

Media Buy

Can I run my ads on the web through Adacado?

Yes. Adacado provides a variety of media channels for running ads, and you can place ads on the web through Adacado. From choosing campaign objectives and targets to budgeting media buys and scheduling ad serving, Adacado makes it easy to set up your media channels. Learn more about running web ads through Adacado and watch our video tutorial on how to set up your media channel.

Can I run my ads on Facebook through Adacado?

Yes. Adacado offers a variety of media channels for running ads, and you can run ads on Facebook through Adacado. Our Facebook media channel makes it easy to build your ads, select our targeting, and launch all within minutes. Adacado has filtered all possible setups of Facebook advertising and organized them in an accessible, user-friendly way. Learn more about running Facebook ads with Adacado.

For the media channel “Run Web Ads”, where do ads appear? Can I find a list of websites where my ads will appear?

Adacado has access to over 40 major ad exchanges, covering millions of websites across the open web. We do not list specific websites where ads will appear as this massive inventory is managed by our DSP partner, who constantly updates and changes its inventory of sites to the most relevant and up-to-date.

Can I target specific websites for my ads to show?

The website on which your ads will appear is determined by your campaign objectives and targets set in your media channel settings, and you cannot target specific websites to run ads. If you wish to target specific website/s, an alternative option is to download the creative ad tag in which you can traffic through any DSP of your choosing. If you go directly through a DSP, you may get more granular control over where your ads appear.

How long does it take for ads to serve?

After turning on your media channel, ads have to go through an approval process at ad networks which can take up to 24 hours but it is often much quicker.

How do I know if my ads are live?

Assuming your advertiser is ENABLED and the media channel is ACTIVE, you can view your campaign activity and performance on the campaign’s “Analytics” page. The analytics page is updated daily at 6:00 am PT, and if you just launched your campaign today, you’ll be able to see your campaign’s activity on your dashboard starting tomorrow.


How does Adacado pricing work?

Adacado is a paid advertising platform, but it is free to sign up and you only pay for the services you use, with no contracts, commitments, or minimums. Find more info about our pricing here.

What is the product fee?

If you have a list of products to advertise, you will be charged a nominal fee ($0.01 – $0.15/product) based on the number of products you load into Adacado. If you only process up to 5 products in the feed, you will not incur any product costs. Find more info about product fees.


How do I implement a pixel for a retargeting campaign?

Learn about how our pixel works and find pixel implementation guidelines here.


Where can I see reporting and performance metrics?

You can view your campaign level usage, performance, and metrics in the Analytics dashboard, and you can also access and download Advertiser level reports on the Performance (KPI) Reports page.

Can I set up automatic report export?

Yes, you can set Adacado to automatically export daily reports for all advertisers in your account. Find more info about automatic report exporting.

Third-Party Tracking

Can I add third-party trackers to my Adacado ad tags?

Yes, you can insert the 3rd party trackers (e.g. click tracking URL, impression tracking pixel, and UTMs) to your ad tags. Learn about how to add third-party trackers here.

If you’re still having trouble or have questions, feel free to reach out to us anytime at