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Discover the power of Adacado’s streamlined process for building dynamic ads—an efficient and scalable solution designed to personalize your product catalog and drive sales. This guide offers step-by-step instructions to craft compelling dynamic ads, delivering tailored content to individual viewers and enhancing your advertising impact. If you are more interested in static ads, explore our guide on “Building Static Ads” for detailed instructions.


Understanding Dynamic Ads

Exploring Options to Build Dynamic Ad Campaigns

1. Quick Start

2. Standard Setup

3. Building Dynamic Ads for Shopify Merchants

4. Alternatives for Building Dynamic Ad Campaigns

Scheduling Multiple Ad Creatives to a Campaign

Understanding Dynamic Ads

Dynamic ads feature real-time content sourced from data feeds, allowing you to tailor your ads using product targeting options like “Last Viewed” or “Closest Store“. This enables you to present personalized and relevant imagery and messages, showcasing your products or services dynamically through multi-frame ads. These ads are ideal for both retargeting and prospecting campaigns.

Exploring Options to Build Dynamic Ad Campaigns

1. Quick Start

Quick Start provides a simplified pathway to establishing advertisers, campaigns, and data feeds. You can access this option during your initial sign-up or when adding a new advertiser.

To create dynamic ad campaigns with Quick Start, follow these steps:

Step 1: Specifying Your Advertising Needs

  • Begin by specifying your advertising needs. Select your business type and choose “Product Catalog” to advertise your products effectively.

Step 2: Selecting a Dynamic Solution

  • Choose from pre-built Adacado Campaign Solutions that best match your business goals. Click “Browse Solutions” to explore additional options tailored to your needs.

Step 3: Personalizing Your Ads and Importing Product Data

Personalizing Your Ads

  • Customize your ads by uploading your logo and adjusting placeholder images or text using the Creative Editor. Later, you can select the ad formats for serving.

Importing Products for Product Ads

If you’ve chosen “Product Catalog” as your advertising preference, you’ll need to upload your data feed to generate product data for dynamic product ads with multiple frames.

  1. Click the “Import Products” button.
  2. Follow the prompts to configure your data feed.
  3. Review the sample product data generated from your feed.
  4. Confirm or adjust the data mapping as needed.
  5. When the data mapping is confirmed, the system will process the feed and generate your product data. If you enter your credit card information, the entire feed will be processed. Only the first 5 entries of your data feed will be processed without a credit card.

Importing Shopify Products

For Shopify merchants, Adacado offers an easy option to connect your store and import your products via Dispatch integration. Select the “Shopify (via Dispatch)” option for your data source, then follow the instructions to connect to Dispatch and import products from your Shopify store. For more information about importing Shopify products, visit here.

Step 4: Creating an Advertiser and Planning Your Ad Campaign

  • Enter advertiser information and specify ad serving details, including schedule and location preferences. Optionally, skip the scheduler and location preference for third-party DSP usage.

Step 5: Activating Your Ads

Step 6: Implementing Adacado Pixel (Retargeting Only)

If you’ve chosen a retargeting solution, you’ll need to implement Adacado pixels with product ID placeholders on the product pages you wish to retarget. For detailed instructions on implementing the Adacado pixel, refer to our guide on pixel implementation.

2. Standard Setup

Adacado provides various pre-built dynamic ad campaign solutions for you to choose from.

Follow these steps to create a dynamic campaign with the Adacado campaign solution:

Step 1: Selecting “Standard Setup” to Add a New Advertiser

  • After signing up, navigate to the advertiser’s dropdown menu in the header. Select “New Advertiser” > “Standard Setup”.

Step 2: Creating a New Advertiser

  • Fill out your advertiser details to create a new advertiser.

Step 3: Selecting a Dynamic Ad Campaign Solution

  • Once the advertiser is created, click “Add Campaign” from the campaign dropdown menu.
  • Filter the Ad Type by “Dynamic Ads” in the Campaign Solutions Library.
  • Choose a dynamic solution that best fits your campaign goals.

Step 4: Personalizing Your Ads

  • Customize your ads by adding your logo and adjusting placeholder images or text using the Creative Editor.
  • Once your data feed is uploaded and processed, the placeholder images and text will be replaced with product data. If no product data is present, the ad will show the placeholder images and text.
  • Use the “Apply to All” option for consistent changes across all ad formats.
  • Adjust the number of templates (ad frames) as necessary by adding or removing templates.

Step 5: Replacing Sample Feed with Your Data Feed

  • Adacado’s pre-built dynamic campaign solutions include sample data feeds as a reference to give you an idea of how the feed should look and which data should be contained in it.
  • When Advertiser Products are Unavailable:
    • If your advertiser does not have a data feed configured and the advertiser products are unavailable, the sample feed from the selected campaign solution will be saved at the advertiser level. Your new campaign will be configured to use all available advertiser products.
    • Navigate to the Advertiser Products Settings page. Then, you must replace the sample feed with your own data feed to display your products in ads. It’s important that if the sample feed is not replaced, product data from the sample feed will be displayed in your ads.
  • When Advertiser Products are Already Available:
    • If your advertiser already has a data feed configured and has advertiser products, the campaign created with the selected solution will, by default, use all existing advertiser products, not the sample products from the solution.
    • If you want your campaign to use a campaign-specific feed rather than the advertiser products, click here to learn how to configure a campaign-specific data feed.

Step 6: Previewing Your Ads

  • Click the green play button to preview individual ads. To view ads with your products, toggle the “Show ad with product data” button.
  • Preview the ad to ensure accurate product display.
  • For a comprehensive preview, access the shareable preview page under the “Preview” tab in the footer after entering billing information.

Step 7: Configuring and Activating Media Channels

  • Navigate to the “Serve My Ads” tab in the platform footer and proceed to the “Ad Delivery Settings” page.
  • Choose a media channel and configure its settings based on your advertising strategy.
  • Enter billing information to activate the selected media channel. For third-party DSP users, first enter billing information on the Adacado platform and obtain Adacado ad tags.
  • Monitor the “Campaign Analytics” page to confirm if your ad has successfully gone live.

Step 8: Implementing Adacado Pixel (Retargeting Only)

If you’re setting up a product retargeting campaign, you’ll need to implement Adacado pixels with product ID placeholders on the product pages you wish to retarget. For detailed instructions on implementing the Adacado pixel, refer to our guide on pixel implementation.

3. Building Dynamic Ads for Shopify Merchants

Whether you’re a Shopify merchant looking to enhance conversion rates or an ad agency seeking a simplified ad campaign creation tool for your Shopify clients, Adacado streamlines the process for you. Providing a user-friendly and innovative solution, Adacado makes it quick and hassle-free to craft product-based, shoppable dynamic ads tailored specifically for Shopify merchants.

Explore more about the options available for creating dynamic ads with your Shopify products in Adacado.

4. Alternatives for Building Dynamic Ad Campaigns

In addition to using Quick Start and Standard Setup, there are other alternatives for building dynamic ad campaigns. Let’s explore them step-by-step:

Step 1: Adding Creatives

Using Adacado’s Ready-To-Use Templates

  • Click the “No thanks, I want to create a new blank campaign” text link in the lower right corner of the Campaign Solutions Library.
  • Explore ad templates in the Adacado Template Library. Select “Dynamic” and choose the most suitable template for your campaign.

Creating Your Own Templates

1. Starting a New Template

  • Click the “Create New” button on the “Select a template to use” page and select your desired ad format (size).

2. Designing Custom Templates

  • Use the Creative Editor to design bespoke templates by adding and editing creative widgets.
  • Ensure to add data placeholders to dynamically display product data (e.g., product titles, product images, etc.) pulled from your data feed. The data placeholders automatically populate with product data if available; otherwise, the templates’ default content is displayed.
  • Available (mapped) product data for use in the template is highlighted in green.

3. Saving and Managing Your Templates

  • Your templates are saved as private templates under “Previously Used Templates” for future use.

Step 2: Configuring Data Feeds and Generating Product Data

  • After customizing the ad creative, proceed to configure your data feed and generate product data.

Step 3: Previewing Your Ads

Refer to Step 6 in the “2. Standard Setup” section.

Step 4: Configuring and Activating Media Channels

Refer to Step 7 in the “2. Standard Setup” section

Step 5: Implementing Adacado Pixels

Refer to Step 8 in the “2. Standard Setup” section

Scheduling Multiple Ad Creatives to a Campaign

Easily schedule automated creative updates or test different variations by adding multiple ad creatives to your campaign. Manage your creatives effortlessly using the “Schedule” panel.

Steps to Schedule Multiple Ad Creatives

Step 1: Accessing Schedule Panel

  • Navigate to the “Schedule” panel by clicking the clock icon in the left navigation bar.

Step 2: Adding New Creatives

  • Click on the “Add Theme” button to add a new creative.

Step 3: Customizing Creatives

  • Click on a creative thumbnail in the “Schedule” panel to modify and adjust each creative as needed using the Creative Editor.

Step 4: Scheduling Updates

  • Schedule the start and end dates for each creative variation (theme) to automate updates.
  • Each theme activates at the start of the scheduled start date and deactivates at the end of the scheduled end date.
  • In cases where multiple creatives share the same or overlapping schedules, each requested ad will randomly select one of the scheduled creatives for display.
  • If a theme’s end date has passed:
    • Ads will continue running using the latest active theme from the campaign, ensuring no blank ads are served as long as the campaign remains active.
    • If multiple themes have expired, ads will continue using the theme with the latest end date among the expired themes.

Step 5: Reviewing Performance

By leveraging these steps, you can effectively enhance your campaign’s performance through strategic creative management.

Need Help?

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