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If you use an external media solution and only use Adacado for ad creation, the creative ad tags for your campaign can be downloaded from the “Ad Delivery Settings” page. 

Click the “SERVE MY ADS” or the schedule tab in the campaign view footer or by clicking “Serve My Ads” in the campaign drop-down.

Use an alternate DSP (get Ad Tags)

On the “Ad Delivery Settings” page, click the “CUSTOMIZE” button to the right of the  “Use an alternate DSP (get Ad Tags)” option to open the “Display Ads – Tags” page.

Download Ad Tags

On the “Display Ads – Tags” page, the Publisher drop-down menu lets you choose the specific Demand Side Platform (DSP) or media platform (e.g. Google Ads), that you will be using to buy your media. Your selection will automatically adjust the Adacado ad tags to include the impression and click macros for the platform you choose.

NOTE:  If your desired platform is not in the drop-down menu, then select “Generic” from the list.

Once you’ve made your selection, you can copy the code for each ad size individually, or click the blue download button for a zip file containing all the individual ad tag files in .txt format.

Enter Your Payment Information

To run ads with downloaded ad tags, you must enter your payment information before downloading the ad tags for your campaign.

In the top right corner of the platform header, click on your account’s username and then click on “Account & Payment Info”.

On the “Account & Payment Info” page, click on “Billing” in the left navigation bar and enter your credit card information and billing address.

Preview Your Ads

Once your credit card information has been added to your account, you can preview your ad on the “Ad Previewer” page.

In the Campaign Creative view, click the “Preview” tab in the footer to open the “Ad Previewer” page. Please review the ads on this page and test your ad tags in your DSP to make sure your ads appear and click through as expected.


If you use an external media solution and use Adacado only for ad creation, you will need to set up an ad delivery schedule on the DSP where you run your ads. Ad serving must be activated and deactivated on the DSP side, not on Adacado.

If you’re still having trouble or have questions, feel free to reach out to us anytime at