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Efficiently managing product data is crucial for maintaining the accuracy and relevance of your dynamic ad campaigns and managing product costs. When the decision arises to discontinue the use of data feeds and product data in your ad campaign, avoiding incurring product costs by storing your product data in Adacado, we provide a range of flexible product delete options, empowering you to tailor the deletion process to your needs.

Let’s explore the delete options available and the step-by-step process.


Product Delete Options

Advertiser Products Delete Options

Campaign Specific Products Delete Options

Steps to Delete Data Feeds and Products


Product Delete Options

Adacado provides the flexibility to choose the ideal product delete option, tailored to your campaign’s requirements. Select the option that aligns best with your campaign’s goal to remove either advertiser products or campaign-specific products. The following table outlines the available deletion options and their impacts on data feed configurations and product data.

*The removal of data feed configuration and products triggered in Advertiser Product Settings applies to campaign-specific products/data feed configurations only when present within the advertiser. The options solely affect advertiser products/data feed configurations if no campaign-specific products exist.

Advertiser Products Delete Options

The products listed on the “Advertiser Products” page include:

The deletion options for advertiser products depend on whether to remove data feed configuration and products for all campaigns, including campaign-specific products, or delete only the advertiser products. Let’s explore available deletion options for advertiser products.

Option 1: All (Advertiser Only)

  • Delete the data feed configuration in “Advertiser Product Settings,” along with its associated products.
  • No products will appear on the “Products” page for both the advertiser and campaigns using advertiser products, exclusively affecting those campaigns.

Campaign-specific products, along with their feed configurations in campaign product settings, remain unaffected. These products stay visible on both the advertiser and corresponding campaigns’ “Products” pages, incurring ongoing product costs and enabling their use exclusively within the corresponding campaigns.

Option 2: Inventory Only – (Advertiser Only)

  • Delete products generated using the data feed configured in “Advertiser Product Settings,” while retaining the configuration for future use.  
  • Campaign-specific products, along with their feed configurations in campaign product settings, remain unaffected. These products stay visible on both the advertiser and corresponding campaigns’ “Products” pages, incurring ongoing product costs and enabling their use exclusively within the corresponding campaigns.

Option 3: All (Advertiser & Campaigns)

  • Select this option to discontinue using data feeds and product data for any of your campaigns, avoiding incurring product costs across all campaigns within an advertiser.
  • Delete all data feed configurations stored in the advertiser and campaign product settings.
  • Delete all products generated within an advertiser, including advertiser products and all campaign-specific products.

Option 4: Inventory Only – (Advertiser & Campaigns)

  • Delete all products generated within an advertiser, including advertiser products and all campaign-specific products, while keeping all data feed configurations in advertiser and campaign product settings for future use.

NOTE: To ensure you retain your advertiser and campaigns for future use without incurring additional product costs after product deletions, it’s crucial to select either “Option 3: All (Advertiser & Campaigns” or ”Option 4: Inventory Only (Advertiser and Campaigns)” in the “Advertiser Product Delete Options.”

Campaign-Specific Products Delete Option

Deleting a data feed configuration saved at the campaign level allows you to exclusively remove the associated data feed and products linked to a specific campaign. Importantly, this action does not affect the broader data feed set at the advertiser level or the advertiser products used in other campaigns.

Option 1: All (Campaign Only)

  • Delete the data feed configuration saved in “Campaign Product Settings” and the associated products for a particular campaign.
  • No impacts on advertiser data feed configuration, advertiser products, or other campaign-specific feed configurations and their associated products.

Option 2: Inventory Only – (Campaign Only)

  • Delete products generated for a specific campaign using the data feed configured in “Campaign Product Settings” while keeping the configuration for future use. 
  • No impacts on advertiser data feed configuration and advertiser products, or other campaign-specific feed configurations and the associated products.

NOTE: When campaign-specific products are deleted, they are removed from both advertiser and campaign product pages, reducing the total count of advertiser products and impacting product cost calculation.

Steps to Delete Data Feeds and Products

Step 1: Access Product Settings

Depending on the data feed configuration and product data you intend to delete, access the relevant product settings page by selecting “Products” or “Product Data” from the advertiser/campaign drop-down menus from the header, or “Product Data” in the footer.

Advertiser Products:

Campaign-Specific Products:

Then, on the Products page, click “Settings” to open the product settings page where the data feed configuration is stored.

Step 2: Select a Delete Option

Click “View Delete Options” in the Advertiser or Campaign Product Settings and carefully review the description of each option before making your selection.

Step 3: Click the “Delete” Button

After selecting the deletion option, click the “Delete” button. This action will promptly remove the data feed configuration and products based on the selected deletion options. If you wish to retain the current settings and cancel the deletion process, select “Cancel” here.

Step 4: Ensure Data Feed Configuration and Products Are Removed

After clicking the “Delete” button, ensure that the corresponding data feed configuration and product data have been removed from the advertiser/campaign product settings and products page. You can regenerate product inventory at any time if you select the option to delete inventory only.


To prevent additional product costs while retaining your advertiser and campaigns in Adacado for future use, follow these steps: 

  1. Select either “Option 3: All (Advertiser & Campaigns” or ”Option 4: Inventory Only (Advertiser and Campaigns)” in the “Advertiser Product Delete Options.” 
  2. This will promptly delete all products within the advertisers, and you’ll incur product costs up to and including the day of deletion.
  3. Subsequently, no further product costs will be incurred from that advertiser.

If your goal is to discontinue all campaigns in Adacado immediately and avoid additional charges, it’s advisable to disable the advertiser where the campaigns were created:

  • Disabling the advertiser removes all current product data from Adacado’s database.
  • If you choose to re-enable the advertiser later, Adacado will attempt to reprocess all data anew.

For more details on turning off your ads, click here.

If you’re still having trouble or have questions, feel free to reach out to us anytime at