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Moldy Avocados – The Type Of Ad That Keeps You Up At Night

The Type Of Ad That Keeps You Up At Night

A Ziploc For All Purposes

✓ Clear Intent

✓ Related Content

✓ Branding Is Clear

The type of ad that keeps you up at night, wondering why you haven’t accomplished anything. Pretty self explanatory. Well done Ziploc!

You displayed me a product that pretty much gave me the message to “allow me to live my life as I please”. Didn’t know that sort of freedom existed. As well, the message Ziploc deployed in this ad assumed I had some sort of personal relationship with them. Interesting. It conveyed exactly as you’d expect those cheeky monkeys to relay a message about their product that literally everyone in the entire world knows about. It was extremely effective; I am fully stocked with Ziploc bags at home, but I almost bought some more just because of this “slap-on-my-butt-and-wink-at-me” ad they plopped on my page.

Apart from the brilliant messaging, the CTA button says “BUY” (talk about pushy). Like, yeah, thank you, I think I will. That, and the fact that it’s almost unreasonably simple.

They could hire someone to just toss a Ziploc bag at you whenever this ad appears – not even look at you or say anything to you. You see the ad, and it’s like “use as imagined”, then some dude just casually tosses a Ziploc bag at you without even looking, as he’s walking by. They’d be sold out in seconds.

I can honestly say, I’ve never had any strong – or otherwise – feelings about Ziploc as a brand, but diddly bumbly do I love their style now. “Listen, we know you know what a Ziploc bag is. Now buy one, and do with it as you please. Amen”.

10/10 Ziploc, 10/10.


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