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A campaign is a set of ads with a shared objective, budget, targeting strategy, etc., and is used to organize your ads for an advertiser. The appearance and behavior of your ads are determined by the way you set up your campaign(s). 


Your First Campaign

Adding a New Campaign

Campaign Drop-Down Menu

Campaign List Page

Naming Your Campaign


Product Data

Campaign Targets

Generate New Site Visitors

Bring Visitors Back to Your Site


Location Targeting

Ad Delivery

Access Your Ad Delivery Settings

Buy Media With Adacado

Download Ad Tags

Finishing Up

Campaign Analytics

Performance (KPI) Reports

Your First Campaign

When you first create your account, you will be prompted to set up your first advertiser. 

Once you complete the signup process and create your first advertiser, you will be taken to the “CREATIVE” page of the pre-built campaign for the advertiser you just created. 

From here you can start customizing your first campaign by either editing the ad templates provided, or by choosing a different template from the Adacado Template Library.

Adding a New Campaign

You can always create and add a new campaign to the existing advertiser or you can create a new advertiser then add a new campaign to it. To add a new campaign, you can either add it from the Campaign’s drop-down menu in the campaign header or from the Campaign list page.

  1. Click the list icon next to the campaign’s name.
  2. Click “NEW CAMPAIGN” in the campaign drop-down menu.

Campaign List Page

Click the “NEW CAMPAIGN” button in the upper right corner of the Campaign list page.

Naming Your Campaign

Once you click the “NEW CAMPAIGN” button in the Campaign drop-down menu or the Campaign list page, enter your campaign name in the “Create a New Campaign” pop-up window. When done, click the “CREATE” button.


Once your campaign has been created you will be taken to the “Select a template to use” page where you can view a variety of pre-built ad templates offered in the Adacado Template Library and choose one to use for your campaign.

Once you have selected a template, you will be taken to the “CREATIVE” page of your campaign where you can start editing the template, uploading your logo, image or promo message. 

In Adacado, a template defines how your ads look, which is also known as the ad creative. To make online display advertising as easy as possible our team has created many templates for you to choose from. You can also easily modify most of the available templates or create your own. 

There are two types of ads you can create with Adacado, static or dynamic. Dynamic ads use product data and static ads do not. Choose a template that complements the type of ad you are making.

Product Data

If you are creating dynamic ads, you will need to add a data feed and choose a template that uses product data. If you are making static ads you do not need to set up product data.

Campaign Targets

For campaigns that use product data to create dynamic ads, the campaign target determines the behavior of your ads, defining which ads to show to potential viewers. If you are creating static ads, these settings will not affect your campaign.

Choose your campaign target by clicking the button at the bottom of your campaign’s footer.

The available campaign targets vary depending on the business type of your advertiser (retail, auto, real estate, etc.).

Generate New Site Visitors

Targets that contain the term “Showcase” or “Sale” can be used to increase brand awareness and generate new visitors to your site based on the product data in your campaign. This is also known as a “Prospecting” campaign.

If you’re just getting started, we recommend choosing a target like “Showcase” which doesn’t require the Adacado pixel to be installed on your website.

Bring Visitors Back to Your Site

Targets which contain the following terms use site visitor information gathered as cookie data from the Adacado pixel:

  • Last Viewed
  • Most Viewed
  • Popular

Campaigns using cookie data are able to show ads to people who have previously visited your site, meaning that the ads they see are more likely to be relevant to them.

“Retargeting” campaigns encourage visitors to return to your website by showing specific products they previously looked at. Targets which include the term “Last viewed” are used to create retargeting campaigns.

Make sure you check out our guide on installing the Adacado pixel if you plan to use these targets for your campaign.


An example of retargeting behavior:

  1. A potential customer, let’s call her Jane, visits your websites and looks at your listing for a smart watch.
  2. Jane leaves your website for whatever reason.
  3. Sometime later (minutes, hours, days) Jane is looking up recipes for roasted cauliflower and while browsing a recipe site she is shown an ad which contains the exact smart watch she had been looking at. 

Because Jane has already been to your website, showing her an ad with the product she looked at has a high likelihood of being relevant to her, increasing the probability of her returning to your store and completing a purchase.

Location Targeting

If your offering is very dependent on location (ie: real estate businesses, dentist’s offices, etc.) then you may want to show ads based on location. To achieve this behavior you will need to include latitude and longitude for every product in your data feed.

Campaign targets like “Last viewed + Location” rely on both location information and cookie data provided by the Adacado pixel. Make sure to install the Adacado pixel as well as include the necessary latitude and longitude information in your feed.

Ad Delivery

Once you have created your ad, the next step is to select a media channel and configure its settings to define how the ad is delivered. Media channels are a platform where you can post your ads, and Adacado offers various media channels to choose from.

Access Your Ad Delivery Settings

To set up your media channels, access your campaign’s “Ad Delivery Settings” and customize settings for individual media channels by clicking “Serve My Ads” or the schedule tab in the campaign footer or by clicking “Serve My Ads” in the campaign dropdown.

On the “Ad Delivery Settings” page, you have the option to buy media through Adacado or publisher/DSP and you can choose one or multiple media channels. 

Buy Media With Adacado

If you are new to online advertising we suggest you use our integrated media buy solution to deliver your ads right from Adacado to potential viewers. Click here to get more information on buying media through Adacado.

NOTE: If you are using Adacado’s media buy to deliver your ads, please be aware that it can take up to 24 hours for your ads to pass through the standard approval process. 

Download Ad Tags

If you are already working with a publishing partner or DSP to deliver your ads, you can easily export your campaign’s creative ad tags to be published externally. Click here to learn more about how to download ad tags.

Finishing Up

Here is a summary of what to check when finishing up your campaign:

  • Credit card/Billing info is added to your account
  • Product data is added (if applicable)
  • Ad creative is just the way you want it
  • Everything is linking to the correct URLs
  • Campaign target has been selected
  • Ad delivery is setup
  • Media channel is turned on

We recommend testing your campaign’s creative and targets before you launch your ads using our guide.

You can check your campaign’s Ad Previewer to see what your ads look like to viewers by clicking the “Preview” button found on the bottom of your campaign’s footer. 

Campaign Analytics

After your ads have been approved and start displaying to viewers, you will be able to check on your campaign’s activity on the “Campaign Analytics” page. The “Campaign Analytics” page is your dashboard for assessing campaign performance and metrics. You can use this insightful information to make better, data-based decisions on how to increase the performance of your campaigns.

Performance (KPI) Reports

Adacado provides various types of Performance Reports, also known as Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Reports, to help you better understand your ads. Each report includes information about the ads for one advertiser.

If you’re still having trouble or have questions, feel free to reach out to us anytime at