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After implementing your pixel it is very important to check that it is working correctly. This guide will help you do that.


Quick Tests

Is The Pixel Executing Correctly?

Something Still Isn’t Working

Quick Tests

You may be able to see if the pixel is working correctly with the following test.


If you are planning to use the pixel for dynamic ad retargeting and have selected a “Last Viewed” campaign objective, then you can easily test if it is working by following the steps below.


1. Implement your pixel according to our guidelines

2. Visit a product/vehicle/service page on your website

3. In Adacado, open/refresh the preview page for your campaign (this can be found on the “Publish” page)


You should see the product you viewed on your website show up in your ads. If the product you viewed does not show in your ads, then check out the rest of this guide to help troubleshoot what is wrong.

Is The Pixel Executing Correctly?

If you are not seeing the behavior you expect, then the next step is to see if the actual pixel code is executing correctly on your website.

When a product/vehicle/service page is visited, the pixel code should execute. You can check that this process is happening successfully by using the developer tools panel in your web browser. 

Using the Developer Tools Panel

Most major web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) all use a very similar structure for their developer tools. Follow along to see if your pixel is executing properly. If you are using Safari we suggest you use an alternative browser to perform the following test.


1. Implement your pixel according to our guidelines

2. Visit a product/vehicle/service page on your website

3. Open the Developer Tools panel. There are a number of ways to do this:

  • Right click the page and select “Inspect” or “Inspect Element”

4. Navigate to the “Network” tab

5. Click the “Filter” field, and type in “adacado”. If nothing appears, try refreshing the page

6. Look for “shell.umd.js” in the “Name” panel and confirm that you see “Status Code: 200”

If you see “Status Code: 200” for “shell.umd.js” then your pixel code is executing correctly. If you see something else, then please contact the person who implemented your pixel to let them know that the code is not working as expected.

Something Still Isn’t Working

So you’ve implemented your pixel, and used the above method to test that the pixel code is executing properly, but things still aren’t working? Here are a few more steps you can try to determine what is happening.

Make Sure That the URLs Match

It is important that the URLs of your website match the URLs in your data feed exactly. If the URLs do not match then retargeting will not work. Please reach out to us at if this is the case, sometimes we are able to accommodate this scenario by giving you an alternative pixel.

Double Check the Implementation Instructions

Make sure that the pixel was implemented according to our guidelines. Adding the pixel code to non-product pages such as the homepage, category pages, etc may cause some unexpected and unwanted behavior.

If you’re still having trouble or have questions, feel free to reach out to us anytime at