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If you’re running an online women’s clothing store and winter is almost over, you would probably want to clear out as much winter clothing as possible while promoting the season’s new arrivals. In this case, you can consider exposing fewer spring clothes and more winter clothes, or vice versa.

Adacado provides users with the ability to set frequency caps on a product-by-product basis, allowing you to adjust product frequency capping for different business situations, such as limiting the display of understocked products or showing fewer popular products to more evenly distribute product views.


What is Product Frequency Capping?

Requirements for Product Frequency Capping

How Product Frequency Capping Works

What is Product Frequency Capping?

Product frequency capping is set for each individual product in your data feed and limits the number of times each product appears in your ads.

Product Frequency Capping Requirements

Campaign Type

It is more suitable for prospecting campaigns.

Ad Type

A dynamic ad that displays product data.

Template Type

A dynamic template with product data placeholders.

Product Targeting Options

More suitable for product showcase, popular products, or most viewed product targeting options of each business type (e.g., retail, auto, real estate, or hotel).

  • Frequency capping is only available for CSV feeds.
  • The data feed should have a column with the frequency cap that needs to be mapped in the Adacado system.
  • The data feed should include a frequency cap for each product (or no value in that mapped field if products should not be frequency capped).
  • Frequency cap data must be an integer (e.g., 1000). No commas, decimals, or words are allowed.
  • Your feed’s frequency cap column must be mapped to the “Frequency Cap” data field in the data mapping.

How Product Frequency Capping Works

Applied Per Campaign

Each product’s frequency cap is applied per campaign. Suppose you have advertiser A with 2 campaigns (Campaign 1 and Campaign 2) and both campaigns use the same advertiser A’s products configured at the advertiser level. If you have Product A with a frequency cap of 1000, Product A will appear up to 1000 times in CAmpaign 1 and up to 1000 times in Campaign 2.

Data Usage for a Rolling 7-Day Period

Frequency capping uses data from a rolling 7-day period. This means that if a product has reached its frequency cap in the last 7 days, it will not appear in ads on the current day.

Frequency capping resets the impression count on each product when all frequency-capped products reach their limit. After the frequency capping is reset, your ads will start showing all your products again.


Our system evaluates whether a product has reached its frequency cap once a day, so we won’t stop displaying your product in ads at the exact time it reaches the frequency cap.

If you’re still having trouble or have questions, feel free to reach out to us anytime at