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Spotify Wrapped – Talk About Personalized Advertising

Spotify wrapped – talk about personalized advertising

I was wondering what the mass upload of Instagram stories for Spotify was all about… that’s right, Spotify Wrapped!

Spotify took personalized advertising to the next level with its Spotify Wrapped which creates custom ‘mini reports’ on your top songs, top artists, minutes listened, and top genres. Not only that, but you get a quick overview of your music taste from the past, as far back as 2015.

With the emphasis on personalization in the digital era, Spotify made the experience of its users that much better. Although Spotify’s intentions were not to sell something, they created extra value to their users by offering them personalized data specific to their music habits. This feature that Spotify released created huge hype over social platforms such as Instagram. Tons of people Instagram storied their top songs, top artists, and minutes listened which in turn created advertising value for Spotify. Even those not using Spotify, or had no idea about Spotify Wrapped wanted to know more… I know I did!

Spotify made it clear that by creating value in your messaging and offerings, you can both benefit the user and your company. 

At Adacado, we do just that. We offer Dynamic Creative Advertising, which is all about personalizing your messaging to the right user at the right time. It’s all about targeting your messaging and offerings to users that are engaged and interested.

Show a last viewed product to a user within a 50 mile radius? We can do that. 

Personalization, personalization, personalization!