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Retargeting Explained & How It Works

Retargeting Explained & How It Works

What is retargeting?

How do you get a web visitor to complete a purchase? Retargeting. When a customer lands on your website and views a product or service but then leaves, retargeting can help with reminding them of that product or service they once were interested in. This is done through retargeting ads.

Retargeting acts as a reminder to users to revisit a passed interest and act on it. It acts as a vital tool to connect with your customers and create a personalized experience for them. Users can be retargeted with ads on their favorite websites, through social media, emails etc.

How does retargeting work?

Retargeting utilizes cookies.

These cookies are small pieces of data stored by a web browser and know what websites users have browsed or ads they have clicked on.

With this information, advertisers can target ads based on a users behavior to increase overall awareness or conversions.

What makes retargeting so effective?

Retargeting is the most precise form of targeting.

Retargeting provides users with very personalized communication that resonates with their interests.

Whether the user is ready to purchase or not, brands grain traction and recognition through retargeting ads due to the relevant nature of them.

What is the difference between retargeting and remarketing?

Retargeting and remarketing both work towards achieving the same goals:

  1. Targeting audiences who already visited your site and are aware of your brand
  2. Engaging and targeting people who are most likely to make a purchase
  3. Building lasting connections with customers through brand awareness

The main difference between the two is that retargeting primarily uses paid ads to target audiences who have visited your website or social platforms, whereas, remarketing primarily uses email to target audiences who have already done business with your brand.

Why you should use retargeting:

1. Personalize users experience

Create a personalized experience by showing users ads they can relate to/engage with

2. Increase conversions/sales

Remind users of their past interests and turn consideration into conversion 

3. Connect/build a reputation with potential customers

Grow the number of customer touchpoints during the buyer’s journey so your brand is in mind when customers are ready to purchase

4. Reach out to prospects on sites they frequent

Show ads to users on sites they like most