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Display Vs. Native Advertising

Display vs Native Advertising

Native and Display advertising – what’s the difference? Both are seen on websites, both combine text and images – so what’s what?

I will guide you through the differences, benefits and why you would use one over the other.

Display Vs Native

Why use display?

Display advertising are banner ads that you would see on the top, side or bottom of a web page. With this form of advertising, it is quite clear what a display ad is as they stand out clearly on a page. These ads consist of text, image or video advertisements. Display ads often have more capabilities when it comes to creating the ad itself.

Display ads are suitable for prospecting or retargeting purposes.

Prospecting ads are good for brand awareness and launching ads around the web to the general population.

Retargeting ads are good for serving ads to users who have already visited a specific website – they are more targeted to specific users.

As mentioned, with display ads – you have more creative control as you can reach countless of users across the web (similar to native), and it is easily accessible and can be executed by anyone.

Historically, display advertising has been expensive, time consuming, and too complicated for most people – but Adacado eliminates those barriers to entry.

If you are looking for an affordable form of advertising, that has more creative control, display advertising may be right for you.

Pros to display (with a platform like Adacado)

  1. Saves you time
  2. Saves you money
  3. Easy to create
  4. Ability to track results
  5. Ads can be targeted (retargeting)
  6. Diversity of ads (many sizes)
  7. Reach thousands of users on thousands of websites

Cons to display

  1. Often a lower CTR
  2. Can provide clutter on web pages
  3. Ad blockers

Overview of top 5 benefits of display

  1. Eye catching/visibly appealing
  2. Ability to retarget users
  3. Ability to track engagement
  4. Saves you time
  5. Saves you money

Why use native?

Native ads are ads that are meant to be cohesive and blend in with the content on the page. They give off a feel that the ad belongs on the page – similar to a blog.

Examples of native advertising include ads that are promoted in search content or social media posts. These ads act and feel organic to the user. This enables the user to interact as they would with content on a page.

Native advertising is just another form of advertising that attracts customers online, similarly to display. It’s made available for all business types and it is generally seen on pages with content that is relevant to the page.

If you are looking for a form of advertising that is not necessarily creative driven, and similar to content on web pages, then native advertising may be right for you.

Pros to native

  1. Less disruptive – acts like regular content on a page
  2. Reach thousands of users on thousands of websites
  3. Often has a higher CTR

Cons to native

  1. Perceived as sneaky/spammy
  2. Often pricey

Overview of top 5 benefits of native

  1. Less intrusive than other forms of advertising
  2. Generates a higher CTR
  3. Engagement can be higher as it looks like regular content
  4. Ad blocker friendly
  5. Increases brand awareness

Wrapping it up

When it comes down to deciding which advertising medium to use, you want to think about the benefits.

With native, you have the benefit of creating ads that are less intrusive than display, however, it’s more expensive.

With display, you have the benefit of creating ads that are more visibly appealing as a result of more creative control.

Overall, it really comes down to what you want to get out of advertising.

With Adacado being a display advertising software, it comes with all of the benefits mentioned above. Creative control, money and time savings, analytics to track, and retargeting capabilities are just a few of the many benefits Adacado provides to its users.