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A Day In The Life – Junior Digital Marketing Specialist

Blog | 02 min read

A day in the life... of a Junior Digital Marketing Specialist

You’re getting a degree in business and, like me, you decide Marketing would be a fun area to specialize in. Social Media Marketing, Brand Management, SEO, Analytics, Creative Design, are just a few of the many avenues in Marketing. In fact, you decide to specialize in Digital Marketing, the “new age” of Marketing. All these paths and specializations can feel overwhelming, to say the least, because you aren’t taught the “Digital” part of Digital Marketing in school. But that’s the fun part, the unknown, the fact that every day in a Marketing role will be different. And that’s what sparked my interest.

A typical day, for the most part, starts like this: wake up at 7:00 am, get ready for work, grab a coffee on the way and officially start work at 8:30 am. As soon as I get to work, I turn on my computer and log in to check my email – whether it be an internal communication or a Google alert sending me relevant industry info. These are the types of tasks that are done routinely in the mornings on a day-to-day basis. Marketing can be unpredictable, but checking your email is a must.

After that, I open up all of my Google sheets, containing daily tasks and other stuff to be done. I find these sheets very useful as they are shareable with other employees which makes it a great collaboration tool for Marketers. First, I open up the Marketing sheet, which contains a list of leads for the Sales Team. I check to see if any new leads have been updated on the sheet and if so, add it to the CRM. Another semi-structured, daily task checked off the list.

It’s around 9:00 am now and this is where the blurriness comes in. Usually, by this time, I will search the web for interesting content to post on Social Media, if other tasks are not being thrown at me by my manager. Like updating the website 10 times. Back to Social Media. Apart from Google Alerts notifying me on relevant articles in the tech industry, I will try and get a sense of what our competitors are posting about. I will spend some time going through different Social Media channels such as Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn to see what others are doing. It is now 11:00 am and I have done a lot of research with some success on my findings. Searching for articles can be tedious sometimes, so I try to find other ways to share content such as creating infographics. After a lot of time spent researching, it is finally time for lunch!

Halfway until work is over. Afternoons are never the same. Well, no day is the same in Marketing. Back to Social Media and other monitoring activities; you can never listen too much to what people are saying in the industry. But it’s also time to roll up my sleeves and work on my Marketing projects; website updates, creative design for ad templates, content writing, copy for Google ads, Google Analytics and sometimes there’s even the odd meeting in there. But that changes, just like everything else. Just a few of the everyday activities involved in the day-to-day Marketing life. 

Oh look it’s 4:30 pm, where did my day go. What will tomorrow look like? It’s a surprise.