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To run a successful display ad campaign, it is important to review and monitor specific areas before and after launching the campaign. You can optimize your campaign’s performance by identifying potential issues and taking appropriate steps. Learn about the essential pre-launch checks and how Adacado can assist you in mitigating possible issues that may affect your campaign’s performance while it’s running.


Before Launching the Campaign

Ad Creatives

Click-Through URL

Product Data

Adacado Pixel Implementation and Product Targeting

Media Channel Configuration

Launching the Campaign

How to Verify If Your Campaign Has Been launched When Buying Media Through Adacado

When Using A Third-Party DSP

After Launching the Campaign

Campaign Analytics and KPI Reports

Adacado System Alert

Broken Product Image Links Email Notification

Data Feed Processing Failure Email Notification

Data Feed Low Product Quantity Alert

Missing/Incorrect Pixel Implementation Notification

Before Launching the Campaign

Ad Creatives

The appearance of your ads is determined by your ad creatives. Before launching the campaign, refer to the following checklist to ensure that the visual appearance of your ads meets your expectations. In the creative editor, you can preview the ad by clicking the play button left on the left side of the template.

Ad Creative Checklist

Text (Promotional Text, Product Title, Product Description, etc.)

Ensure that the text is fully visible across all ad formats. If the text is cut off, adjust the dimensions of the text widget, font size, or the “Max Characters” option in the widget inspector. If the text is still being cut off, reducing its length may also be necessary.

Background Images

Make sure the selected background image is suitable for all ad formats. Depending on the design, certain templates may require wider (landscape) or taller (portrait) images. You can also adjust the dimensions of the image widget to fit the template design.

Product Image

To make sure your product image appears correctly in your ads, first check if the “Product Image” data field is mapped to the appropriate product image link column in your feed. It’s essential that the image URL meets Adacado’s system requirements for it to be downloaded and displayed in the ad. If there is an issue with the image URL, the ad may display a broken image thumbnail. It is critical to ensure that all products in your feed have valid image URLs to prevent this issue.

Click here to learn more about the image URL requirements.


Let’s consider a scenario where a retailer, FabFind, has used the pre-made Allegro template to create a static ad. However, the left screenshot shows a few concerns that require attention:

  • The logo has not been replaced.
  • The promotional text is overflowing.
  • The background image does not fit the 300×250 ad format.

See how the problems are fixed in the right screenshot:

  • The FabFind logo has been added.
  • The length of the promotional text has been shortened.
  • A wider image has been applied.

Click-Through URL

Ensure your ad leads to the intended destination. The default click-through URL for a static ad is the advertiser’s website URL entered when creating the advertiser, while for dynamic ads, it’s the product URL in your data feed.

Product Data

To ensure a successful dynamic product ad campaign, it is important to verify if data mapping is correct and all necessary product data is generated correctly to display the desired product information in the ad and use it for product targeting. If you discover any missing product data required for ad creative or ad serving, check the feed and see if the necessary product data is valid, in the proper format, and publicly accessible.

Adacado Pixel Implementation and Product Targeting

To run a product retargeting campaign, ensure Adacado pixel with a product ID placeholder is placed on every product page you want to retarget on the advertiser’s website. Additionally, it is important o select a product targeting option on the “Ad Delivery Settings” page to determine which products should be displayed.

Learn more about how to test the Adacado pixel and ensure that the ad displays relevant products based on the selected product targeting option.

Media Channel Configuration

If you purchase media through Adacado, ensure the “Run Display Ads” media channel is properly configured with audience targeting, scheduling, and budgeting. Click here to learn more about the “Run Display Ads” channel.

Launching the Campaign

To launch a campaign, you must activate the “Run Display Ads” media channel or upload Adacado ad tags to your DSPs. Once you’ve done this, your ad will go through a creative approval process that typically takes up to 24-48 hours. After approval, it is important to check whether the campaign is running or rejected.

How to Verify If Your Campaign Has Been launched When Buying Media Through Adacado

When using Adacado for media buying, you can verify if your campaign is running by visiting the “Campaign Analytics” page and reviewing the number of impressions recorded in the last 7 days. 

In the event that no impressions are recorded, click the “Serve My Ads”  tab in the footer to access the “Ad Delivery Settings” page. If you find a yellow triangle next to the “Run Display Ads” media channel, it indicates that your campaign has been rejected by ad networks.

To find out why the rejection is, click the “Customize” button and look for “Ad Issues”.

After identifying the reasons for rejection, make the required modifications and resubmit your ad for approval. The following are examples of reasons for rejection:


  • Ad Does Not Click Through to Landing Page: This ad does not click through to its landing page. Please fix this and resubmit.
  • No Creative Text/Branding: This ad is currently missing its branding or branding text. This is required to run ads through Adacado. Please fix this and resubmit.
  • Misappropriated Brand Name/ Logo: This ad contains a logo/brand of another company that does not belong to this Advertiser. Please remove and resubmit.
  • Mismatch of Banners and Landing Page: This ad contains a mismatch between content in your ad and your landing page. Please bring these in line and resubmit.

When Using A Third-Party DSP

If you’re using a third-party DSP to run your campaign with Adacado ad tags, check whether your campaign is running by either contacting your DSP or checking your campaign’s impressions on the “Campaign Analytics” page on the Adacado platform

After Launching the Campaign

It is important to track your campaign’s performance and carefully monitor it after launch to detect any issues in your ads, such as broken images or incorrect/outdated product information, to ensure that your campaign is performing well and cost-effectively achieving your business objectives.

Campaign Analytics and KPI Reports

Adacado provides “Campaign Analytics” and KPI reports to help you analyze campaign performance and optimize campaigns accordingly.

Learn more about the reports and how they can assist you in optimizing your ads:

Adacado System Alert

To aid in the prompt detection and resolution of any potential issues that could affect your campaigns’ performance, Adacado provides email alerts to all users associated with the affected advertiser/campaign. If your campaign encounters a problem, you will receive an email notification from “Morgyn from Adacado” with the subject line “Adacdo system alert”.

Email notifications inform you of issues with your campaign, along with their root causes, helping you effectively identify and timely address the issues.

Learn about different Adacado email notifications that help you with your campaign quality assurance efforts.

Potential recipients

  • Users associated with advertisers/campaigns that utilize data feeds.

When email notifications are sent

  • When one or more image links in a live ad have been flagged by the Adacado system

Notification contents

  • Advertiser ID / Campaign ID (if applicable)
  • The list of broken image links

Possible causes of broken product image links

  • Invalid image URL
  • Image links must be a direct image link to the image, not a webpage.
  • URLs ending in .webp, .htm, or other extensions instead of .jpeg., .png, or .gif.
  • Image links may not be publicly accessible.
  • Image links resulting in a redirect will also fail to load in ads.
  • Click here to learn more about fixing issues with broken product image links.

Data Feed Processing Failure Email Notification

Potential recipients

  • Users associated with advertisers/campaigns that utilize data feeds.

When email notifications are sent

  • When a scheduled data feed run fails.

Notification contents

  • Advertiser ID / Campaign ID (if applicable)
  • Causes of data feed processing failures

Possible causes of data feed processing failure

  • Adacado fails to download the data feed file
    • Invalid feed URLs or FTP credentials
    • URLs not accessible to the public
  • Data feed headers unexpectedly change
    • Ex. the feed used to have headers, and suddenly doesn’t (and the configuration you originally setup still says there are headers)
  • Interruptions in the Adacado system
  • Missing delimiters
    • A data delimiter, such as comma, white space, tab, or custom has not been selected in the data feed configuration.

Data Feed Low Product Quantity Alert

Potential recipients

  • Users associated with advertisers/campaigns that utilize data feeds, and who have set the product quantity alert level on the data feed configuration page.

When email notifications are sent

  • When the number of products processed from the data feed is less than the product data feed alert level set on the data feed configuration page.

How to set the Product Quantity Alert Level

  1. Uncheck the “No alerts” option.
  2. Set the alert level (number of products) to be notified when the number of products processed from the data feed falls below this number. 
  3. Ensure the alert level matches at least the number of product templates in each ad format.
  4. Adjust the alert level to avoid errors occurring in every feed run.

What is included in notifications

  • Advertiser / Campaign ID (if applicable)

Missing/Incorrect Pixel Implementation Notification

Potential recipients

  • Users who use Adacado for media buying for Display ads  (Media Channel: Run Display Ads)
    • Campaign Objective = Retargeting
    • Campaign Objective = Retargeting AND Product Targeting = Options containing the phrases “Last Viewed” or “Most Viewed”
    • Campaign Objective = Retargeting AND Product Targeting = Advanced Dynamic Solutions AND Custom Targeting = Options containing the phrase “Reminder
  • Users who use Adacado for Facebook ads (Media Channel: Run Facebook Ads)
    • Campaign Objective = Retargeting
    • Campaign Objective = Catalog Sales AND Catalog Sales Option = Retargeting
  • Users who use a 3rd-Party DSP
    • Product Targeting = Options containing the phrases “Last Viewed” or “Most Viewed
    • Product Targeting = Advanced Dynamic Solutions AND Custom Targeting = Options containing the phrase “Reminder

When email notifications are sent

  • When the number of impressions is at least 100 in the last 7 days, AND
  • No pixel events occurred in the last 14 days

What is included in notifications

  • Media Channel / Advertiser / Campaign ID
  • A link to the “How to Check If Your Pixel is Working” support page

Possible causes of no pixel events

  • Adacado pixel is not implemented on the advertiser’s website
  • Adacado pixel fails to fire off due to incorrect implementation
  • Low site traffic (In this case, you may disregard the notification message)

If you’re still having trouble or have questions, feel free to reach out to us anytime at