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Do you want your products on sale to stand out in your ads? Would you like to selectively display mileage on used car ads only and not on new car ads? Adacado’s Creative Editor provides the ability to create ads that highlight specific products, or to display specific images or text only for products that contain specific data.

“When to show this element” Feature

The “When to show this element” feature in the individual widget inspector can be used for dynamic product ads and allows you to conditionally show or hide certain ad elements based on the presence or absence of specific product data. This feature is available for all widgets in the toolbox of Basic Elements, Data Placeholders, General Icons, Lines & Patterns, and Social Media Logos.


Data feeds must be in CSV format to use this feature. This feature is not available for other data feed types such as XML.

When to Use This Feature

You can use this feature to achieve:

  • Certain data (e.g., a sale price) is only visible if the product has that data, otherwise hides the widget that displays the data so that the widget’s default placeholder value for the template is not visible.
  • Display images (e.g., sale banners) or text (e.g., promotional messages) only when the product has certain data.

How to Enable this Feature

To enable this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Select a template from the template library that already contains the elements you want to conditionally display in your ad (e.g., sale price, sale banner, promo message, etc.).
  2. Add and process data feeds and generate product data.
  3. In the “When to show this element” field of the individual widget inspector, select one condition under which the widget should display data.
  4. Preview your ad and make sure that the selective display of specific data or elements works as expected.

Let’s learn more about how this feature works in different scenarios.

Scenario 1: Display one or two prices depending on the presence or absence of a sale price for the product

  • If there is both a regular price and a sale price for the product, show both prices.
  • If there is no sale price for the product, only the regular price is displayed, and the default placeholder value of the “Sale Price” widget is not displayed.

1. Choose a dynamic template that displays two prices.

The example template “Modena_300x250” is a dynamic template for retail advertisers that displays two prices by default. In this template, “£149.99” is the default placeholder value for the “Product Price” widget, and “£129.99 is the default placeholder value for the “Sale Price” widget.

If a product has both price data, the default placeholder values in the “Product Price” and the “Sale Price” widgets are automatically replaced with the actual price data. However, if there is only one price data, the widget’s default placeholder value for the missing data will still be displayed in the ad. For example, if the product has only the regular price and no sale price, “£129.99” will still show as the sale price along with the regular price. 

If you click £129.99in the template to open the widget inspector for the “Sale Price” widget, you will see a disabled “When to show this element” field at the bottom of the inspector. This field will remain disabled until a data feed is added and product data is loaded into the platform.

2. Add and process data feeds and generate product data.

Once you add a data feed, the Adacado platform will try to automatically detect the fields in your data feed and map Adacado fields to the correct columns in the feed. If you learn more about how to set up a data feed and data mapping, click here.

In the example feed above, there are products with both regular price and sale prices, and products without a sale price, where “[empty value]” is displayed in the sale price data field. After you save and process your data feed, you can view your product data on the campaign’s “Products” page, where you can see products with regular price data only or products with both regular and sale price data.

3. Select a condition to determine when to display the sale price.

After verifying your product data, navigate back to the Creative page and click£129.99to reopen the “Sale Price” widget inspector. You can now see that the “When to show this element” field is enabled for the “Sale Price” widget and the default condition is set to “Always show”. 

When you open the “When to show this element” field drop-down, you will see a list of conditions that determine when to display the sale price. For this scenario, select “Show only when there is Sale Price data” from the list.

When a condition is selected, the field turns blue and the selected condition is displayed.  Now, this widget is set to show the sale price only when there is sale price data for the product and the widget will be hidden when there is no sale price data.

4. Preview Ads

Preview your ads by clicking the green play button to the left of the templates. You can see that the “Sale Price” widget only shows sale price data for the products that have sale price data, and it is hidden when there is no sale price data.

Scenario 2: Display mileage data only when there is mileage data for the product (vehicle)

1. Choose a template that displays mileage.

The example template “Avenue 300×250” is a dynamic multi-view template for auto advertisers that displays mileage data. This template will display the mileage value, even if it is 0, unless the mileage field in the feed is empty. If there is no mileage data, the default placeholder value for the “Mileage” widget used in this template is displayed by default.

2. Add and process data feeds and generate product data.


If you only want to display mileage value for used vehicles, empty the mileage data field for new vehicles in your data feed. Otherwise, whatever value is in the new vehicle’s mileage data field will be displayed in the ad, even if the value is “0”. 

3. Select a condition to determine when to display the mileage.

After verifying your product data, return to the Creative page and click the mileage value in the template to open the “Mileage” widget inspector. In the “When to show this element” field, select “Show only when there is Mileage data” from the list of conditions.

4. Preview Ads

Preview your ads by clicking the green play button to the left of the templates. You can see that the “Mileage” widget shows mileage data only for vehicles with mileage data, and is hidden when there is no mileage data.

Scenario 3: Display a sale banner only when there is sale price data for the product

1. Choose a template that displays a sale banner.

The example template “Top10 300×250 V1-4”, is a dynamic multi-view template with a sale banner for retail advertisers. This template does not display the price, only the product image and product title as product information. This template displays a sale banner over each product image by default, unless the “When to show this element” field of the “Image” widget is set to display a sale banner under certain conditions.

2. Add and process data feeds and generate product data.

Use the same feed as Scenario 1.

3. Select a condition to determine when to display the sale banner.

After verifying your product data, return to the Creative page and click the sale banner on each product image in the template to open the “Image” widget inspector. In the “When to show this element” field, select “Show only when there is Sale Price data” from the list of conditions. For this multi-view template, make sure to set conditions for both “Image” widgets.

4. Preview Ads

Preview your ads by clicking the green play button to the left of the templates. You can see that the sale banner is displayed over the product image only when there is sale price data for that product. If there is no sale price data, the “Image” widget displaying the sale banner will be hidden.

Scenario 4: Create a new sale badge, add it to your template, and show only if the product has a sale price

1. Choose a dynamic template.

The example template “Mist 300×250” is a dynamic template for retail advertisers that displays standard product data such as product image, title, and price.

2. Add and process data feeds and generate product data.

Use the same feed as Scenario 1.

3. Select a sale badge from the “Free-to-use image library” or “Free-to-use icon library” and add it to your template.

After verifying your product data, return to the Creative page. The easiest way to add a sale badge to your template to highlight products on sale is to use the “Free-to-use image library” or “Free-to-use icon library” in the Creative Editor. You can also create your own sales badge from scratch and add it to your template using the “Image” widget. For this scenario, choose one from the icon library.

Click the smiley icon in the navigation bar on the left side of the Creative Editor and open the “General Icons” toolbox. Then click on the “Icon Library” widget and drag and drop it onto the template.

Select the sale badge icon in the icon library.

4. Edit the selected sale badge and select a condition to determine when to display the sale badge.

After selecting and adjusting the position and size of the icon, select “Show only when there is Sale Price Data” in the “When to show this element” field of the “Icon Library” widget inspector.

4. Preview Ads

Preview your ads by clicking the green play button to the left of the templates. You can see that the sale badge is displayed only when there is sale price data for the product. If there is no sale price data, the “Icon Library” widget displaying the sale badge will be hidden.

Scenario 5: Set two elements, such as sale price and special offer badge, to be displayed only when there is sale price data for the product

If there is no sale price for the product, display only the product image and product title without the price.

1. Choose a dynamic template.

The example template “Gianni 300×250”, is a dynamic template for retail advertisers. This template uses the “Product Price” widget to display regular or sale prices depending on the price data you map with the Price data field in your data mapping.

2. Add and process data feeds and generate product data.

Use the same feed as Scenario 1. In this scenario, you need to map the “Price” data field to the “Sale Price” column in the data feed so that the “Product Price” widget in the Gianni template will only display the sale price when there is a sale price data.

3. Choose a special offer badge from our “Free-to-use image library”, add it to your template, and edit it.

4. Set when to display the special offer badge and sale price.

After editing the special offer badge, select “Show only when there is Sale Price data” in the “When to show the element” field of the “Image Library” widget inspector. Then choose the same condition for the “Product Price” widget.

5. Preview Ads

Preview your ads by clicking the green play button to the left of the templates. You can see that the special offer badge and sale price are only displayed on products that have sale price data, and products without sale price data show only the product image and title in the ad.

Scenario 6: Show promotion message only when there is sale price data for the product

If there is no sale price for the product, display only the product image and product title without the price.

1. Choose a dynamic template.

The example template “Index 300×250” is a dynamic template for retail advertisers that uses the “Promotion Text” widget to display promotional messages along with product data.

2. Add and process data feeds and generate product data.

Use the same feed as Scenario 1.

3. Edit your promotion message and choose when to display it.

After checking your product data, return to the Creative page and edit the promotion message. Then, select the condition “Show only when there is Sale Price data” in the “When to show this element” field of the “Promotion Text” widget inspector.

4. Preview Ads

Preview your ads by clicking the green play button to the left of the templates. You can see that the promotion message is displayed only for products with sale price data. If there is no sale price data for the product, the promotion message is not displayed.

If you’re still having trouble or have questions, feel free to reach out to us anytime at