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Web vs Facebook Advertising

Web vs Facebook Advertising

What is web advertising?

Web advertising also known as online or display advertising are banner ads that are either made up of imagery or video assets.

These ads are displayed around websites all over the web. 

Types of targeting associated with this form of advertising include contextual and behavioral targeting.

What is facebook advertising?

Facebook ads are similar in that they are ads that consist of images and text, however, look more like a traditional social media post. This means they blend into the newsfeed of Facebook to look more like a “natural” post.

These types of ads are strictly displayed within Facebook’s social media platform.

For Facebook, targeting is based on audience variables that the advertiser chooses such as: age, location, birthday, hobbies and so on.

So what’s the difference?

The most obvious? Web advertising has a more expansive reach. This is due to the fact that there is more real estate around the web for your ad to be seen.

Since Facebook ads are limited to its own social media platform, there are less targeting options in terms of reaching the greatest audience.

Facebook ads also don’t support retargeting or mobile, whereas, web (display) advertising does.

As well, ad placements on Facebook are more restricted in terms of the size and placement of an ad, whereas, display ads come in a variety of sizes giving more opportunity for an ad to be placed on different areas of a web page.

Facebook page vs website?

In order to advertise on the web or on Facebook, you either need to have a website or a Facebook business page.

So which is better for your business?

A strong digital presence is the key to success in our digital oriented society today. That said, having a website is more likely to bring success to your business. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t advertise on Facebook.

Building a website requires time and money but it can attract a large audience to your business.

With having a website, there is a lot more design and content functionality capabilities and it’s often more professional than a Facebook business page.

Having a Facebook page is more niche with lesser chances of reaching the same audience as you would with owning a website.

The bonus with having a Facebook page is that they are easy to set up and free of cost. With a Facebook page you also have a built in audience due to the presence of people already being on Facebook.

Since you already have that built in audience, interaction rate is often much higher on a Facebook business page than on a website.

Both owning a website and a Facebook business page has its perks but deciding what’s best for you really comes down to time and money.

So where should you advertise your business?

Short answer: whatever suits your business needs.

Real answer: both.

Using a mix of both Facebook and web advertising becomes especially effective for any advertiser.

Both channels offer different opportunities to engage users and with that using a mix of Facebook and Web advertising can greatly benefit your success as a business.

With that said, Adacado offers both solutions with similar setups and capabilities. We make it easy for you to run Facebook and Web ads simultaneously so you can optimize and compare results side by side.