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Digital Storytelling In Advertising

Blog | 01 min read

Written By: Amelia Brown

Digital storytelling in advertising

In digital marketing, there has always been a grey area as to what the most important aspect is: creative or data. However the answer is: you need a combination of both.

Digital storytelling is data, ad creative and technology working together to engage consumers, that will hopefully lead to conversions. It is the action of displaying the right messaging, to the right consumer at the right time. With that, a story is told, connecting your display advertising campaigns to the target consumer.

Digital storytelling is a dynamic creative strategy that uses display ad tech infrastructure that many brands in this industry have. For example: a demand side platform (DSP), data management platform (DMP) and a creative management platform (CMP).

What makes it special?

Digital storytelling is essentially what brings dynamic creative together. It is through ad sequencing and retargeting that turns display into a full-funnel experience, drawing consumers down through awareness, into consideration and finally to making a purchase.

Using digital storytelling in marketing exemplifies how powerful a brand can be without the old method of advertising – shoving a product in front of a consumers face in hopes that they will react to it in a positive way.

One thing to keep in mind before considering digital storytelling is knowing your target audience. More specifically, audience segmentation. If you take a look at the different segments that make up your target audience and what resonates with them, you will  be able to tell who is responding to your messages and which segment is more profitable for your company. Read more on target audiences here.

The goal with this is creating a customer journey that excites them to stay engaged throughout the whole life cycle. It’s about creating something great, something that is memorable and something that matters to the consumer.